Double Jack, Soon To Be Triple Jack Again


IRMA blew Triple Jack off her mooring, across to the south-east bulkhead of the new marina and then back again to the bridge where she was deposited upside-down.

That was nearly 2 years ago.

Whilst upside-down we glued the broken sponson back in place and carried out some main hull repairs.

Now it’s time to get to grips with the decks repairs. There’s also the small matter of re-attaching the starboard sponson.

Thanks to the continued support of Nanny Cay who have been looking after Triple Jack for 20 years we are able to do this.

Some will say the boat should have been crushed as it was game over. It’s now time to prove them wrong.

Steve Davis and Richard Wooldridge have owned TJ for nearly 30 years. They are now joined by Mike Hirst.

In her new spot on the peninsula Triple Jack is pointing directly at St Barths, that will hopefully be her destination when launched early next year…after a shakedown at the BVI Spring Regatta of course!

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